
Title:Expanding the Capability of Arizona’s Statewide Travel Demand Model Using Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Project Number:SPR-790
Principal Investigator:Xuesong Zhou, ASU
ADOT PM:David Proffitt
Start Date:10/01/24
Duration:24 months


A relatively recent modeling innovation known as dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) is designed to represent fluctuating traffic volumes and long trips on complex networks over the course of a single day. Integrating an optional DTA step into the AZTDM2 would improve the model’s accuracy, flexibility, and versatility, thereby enhancing ADOT’s ability to evaluate complex modernization projects—such as traffic interchange reconfiguration, intelligent transportation systems, and other traffic operations enhancements—and model traffic congestion and freight movement more accurately than is currently possible. The proposed study would build on the results of SPR-768 Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Assessing Its Value as a Planning Support Tool in Arizona by integrating an optional DTA step into the AZTDM2 in a way that is both computationally efficient and easy for ADOT staff to use.

Visit SPR-790 for further information

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